Basis of Hindu Parties to come Closer

 Because of so many commonality in aspirations, principles, mission, vision among Hindus as below,  no Hindu Parties is reasonable not to come close together.


Name of Wisdom: Vedic Hindu Sanatan Wisdom

Hindu Utopia: World peace, Happiness, Equity, Justice to all human being as well as to all species of   Animals.

Source of Wisdom: Vyas, Patanjali, Dhanwantari, Vaskara, Sankara, Madhav along with 84 thousands 

            Rishis  (let us put few of the figures of them  in all banners).

Hindu’s Slogan: Let us extract hundreds of  the Sutras from any of the Hindu scriptures  which accommodate the vision of welfare of  people of the  nation as well as the world. Several of them are so much pertinent and scientific for providing direction to the people of the world. (As given in Index)

Hindu’s Prospect for Leadership to the world:  To give completeness in

               1. Wisdom (Gyan)

                                  2. Spirituality (Dharma)

                                   3. Science (Vijnan)

                                   4. Day to day wellbeing of Humans as well other beings (Srvo

                                                   Bhabantu Sukhina)

                                 5. Protection of Nature (Prakirti Surakchhya)

Hindu’s Duty in Life: Dharma (Respect to Divinity), Artha (Economy), Kama (Action, preferably without

expectation) and Moksya (Liberation) - Not only Artha as communist ansd capatalists

Hindu Responsibility for welfare of the society: Following Yama  of the Astanga Yog [i.e. Triuth (Satya),  

Ahimsa (Non violence), Astaya (Non stealing), Aparigraha (Non excessive collection) and Brahmacharya (Non adultery)]

Hindu’s Responsibility for own welfare: Following Niyama of the Astanga Yog [i.e. Sauch (daily external and internal cleaning), Tap (Commitment to the principle), Santosh (satisfaction), Swaadhya (Self study) and Ishor Pranidhan (Faith to the Supreme consciousness).]



Karma in different periods of Hindu Life:      1-25 years of age –Vidhyarthi (Student Life)

                                                                                25-50 years of age – Grihastha (Family Life)

                                                                                50-75 years of age – Vanaprastha (Gradually loosening the

                                                                                                                     attachment to the worldly life)

                                                                                 75 and above  - Sannyas (Totally loosening the worldly life)

Commonality  of faith on  Agama and Nigam: Vaishnagam, Shaktagam, Shaivagam, Buddha/Jain

                                                                                  Agam   and Santagam

Reorganization of all levels of Spirituality: Monism, Monotheism, Polytheism,

Reorganization of all Spiritual loks: Hell, World, Heaven, Brahma lok (Tin Trilok,  Chaudha Bhuvan)

Reorganization of all levels of deities or spirits: Sur, Asur, Dev, Afsara, Narad, Brahma, Bishnu,

                                                                                Meshesh,  Manav, Danav i.e 33 caror devata

Reorganization to Kingship: A guardian of the nation as King is recognized in Hindu system (One prerequisite of it is that he or she must be Sat Hindu spiritual practitioner with high sense of service to the people).

General way of Daily Life: Saddha Jiwan, Uchha Vichar (Simple living, High Thinking) and Sat Ahar (Food), Vihar (Association) and Vichar (Thought).

Sanskrit as Divine or oldest or mother languageof the world:  It is elite language which can be used for several scientific purposes.

Gurukul: This Hindu academic institution is the oldest one which gave rays of light to the world at the beginning when there was no education.

Wishing wellness of all entities surrounding to human:  Wishing wellness (shanti) of Antharikshya, Prithivi, Vanaspati, Raga etc.

Carrying the day to day life as per movement of planet and star: Aunshi, Purnima, Akadashi, Sangranti, Mashanti, Fasting and celebration of festivals as per their movements.

Commonality of Yog: Jnyan Yog, Karma Yog, Dhyan Yog and Bhakti Yog are main four paths for Spiritual journey. As many are already educated in modern education, they seek  the logic. Hence to pursue the truth of Sanatan Vedic Hindu philosophy, first emphasis will be laid for Jnyan  yog. Upon satisfying their thirst, they will be given choice to choose any of the four paths for elevation of the spiritual height.

Transcendentality of Soul:  All conscious being including animals and plants are having soul, therefore all are the subject of respect and love.

Flags of Hindu Parties: Double triangle  imprinted in four cornered base. Or Something common symbolizing Vedic  Sanatan Hindu Philosophy.



Hindu Parties should have code of conduct of at least “Four Sa” I.e. Sadvab (Welwishes), Sanchar (communication), Samman (Respect), Sahayata (Help):

Criticize strongly Communist’s and Capitalist’s Thoughts: ‘Material explanation of the communist and their class struggle’ of the communists and  ‘Temporary enjoyment from materials in the life is the goal’ of the capitalist thought must be dismissed.

Hindu Parties must have at least one of them: Merger between and among the parties, if not that then do  Nitigat Unity, if not that then do Karyagat and even if not that do  Electoral Unity




Examples of Slogans referring for the welfare of the people, nation and world - that can be extracted from Hindu Scriptures


ऋषिभिर्बहुधा गीतं छन्दोभिर्विविधै: पृथक् |
ब्रह्मसूत्रपदैश्चैव हेतुमद्भिर्विनिश्चितै: || 5 || Bhagabat Gita Chapter 13:5

Great sages have sung the truth about the field and the knower of the field in manifold ways. It has been stated in various Vedic hymns, and especially revealed in the Brahma Sūtra, with sound logic and conclusive evidence.



 सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः 
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् 
 शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः 

1: Om, May All be Happy,
2: May All be Free from Illness.
3: May All See what is Auspicious,
4: May no one Suffer.
5: Om PeacePeacePeace.



अयं बन्धुरयंनेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥
The distinction “This person is mine, and this one is not” is made only by the narrow-minded. For those of noble conduct, the whole world is one family.


And so on ………


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